After nearly 3 months under stay at home orders due to COVID-19, our country was shocked and horrified by the images of the death of George Floyd under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer. Floyd’s death was the most recent in a series of black lives taken by law enforcement and it has outraged a country in the midst of a pandemic and already anxious and uneasy. Floyd’s death ignited protests, demonstrations and calls for equal justice and the end of police brutality. So, what does this mean for parents of all colors? It means the time to talk to each other about systemic racism is now. This is when our children will need our guidance, insight and wisdom to be able to process what’s is going on in their world. Donna is joined by her friend Lisa Kurtin who’s son Ellis is a dear friend to her son Asher. Lisa also happens to be a proud African-American woman who is willing to have this sometimes-uncomfortable discussion about systemic racism and the Black Lives Matter movement. Together Donna and Lisa have an informative and emotional conversation about race, injustice and white privilege. These two moms discuss what non-black people can do to become an ally to the African American community and help create momentum in a positive direction toward social justice to help end systemic racism. How can we educate ourselves on the history of centuries long racism? How can we really self-reflect and examine our beliefs in order to root out racism in all areas of our lives? What can we do to help in the fight for equality? This deeply provocative episode with two moms of two boys who are best buddies and don't see each other’s race but only the love and camaraderie of friendship.  How can we be more like them? The conversations however uncomfortable need to be had.  We all need to listen, learn and teach our children the value and meaning of equality for all.